Your Social Media Game Plan

YAY ! Welcome to your social media game plan!


Getting started on social media can feel confusing, but it doesn't have to be that way. That's why I created this simple game plan to start as your foundation, because just like building a house, without a solid foundation, everything else won't be sturdy.

So let's get started by focusing on the goal as you go through this game plan.

Your goal should be focused on growing an engaged online community, not how many followers you can acquire. Followers don't matter if they aren't engaging with you. So you can have 30,000 followers and none of them engaging with you... that's not gonna get you anywhere. 

You could have 300 followers who are completely engaged, and that will make you what you need to make your sales goals. So focus on growing an engaged online community, now how many followers you can get.

Let's move on to your first step, setting up your categories. Categories are what you want to be known for, and this is gonna be the very basics of what you post online.

The very first category is gonna be all about your area of expertise. So if you're a personal finance expert, "personal finance" will be your first category.

What you're gonna do is pick 3 to 5 categories. That's generally a good amount to start with it not being too little or too many. 

Other things to consider: the type of music you enjoy. Is homeschooling a part of your lifestyle? Do you like peppermint white mochas? Do you enjoy Peloton bicycling? Do you love to use your Instapot? Do you love golfing?

Those are all some ideas to consider when picking your categories you wanna be known for on social media.

As you create your content, keep this acronym in mind: E-I-E-I-O. That's right, just like Old MacDonald Had a Farm! It stands for Educate, Inspire, Encourage, Inform, and Offer. 

E: Educate. You wanna educate your audience about something. Teach them 2 to 3 points that they can easily put into action that's easily digestable that they can learn right away from a single post.

I: Inspire. Show your audience what's possible. Your audience doesn't know what they don't know. By showing what's possible, it gives them hope that there's a solution to their problems.

E: Encourage. Now that they've seen what's possible, encourage them that they can do it! There's an internal conversation that they tell themselves that they can't get the same results. You've gotta be that source of encouragement for them!

I: Inform. You're the leader in your industry so you wanna show your audience that you're on top of your game with the current events. If there's something new in your industry, inform your audience about that!

O: Offer. Offer your products and services to your audience. Give your audience the opportunity to buy from you!

Now let's move into how often we should post online. No matter where you post online, most platforms love consistency. So you decide which days you wanna post. Three times a week? Cool, be consistent. Three times a day? Just be consistent. Pick those days you're gonna commit to posting.

Let's move on to some content ideas. These are some questions you can put on rinse and repeat so that you can use them over and over again:

  • What specific mistakes are you teaching repeatedly?
  • What limiting beliefs keep your customers from buying?
  • What are three frequently asked questions people have?
  • What is your most inspiring customer success story?
  • Finish the sentence: "I'm still embarrassed about..."
  • Do you have a great and completely useless skill?

Once you have all of that, now we can move on to engagement. This is really where you're gonna get your audience growing. It only takes 30 minutes a day: 10 minutes in hashtags, 10 minutes with Stories, and 10 minutes with your followers.

Set a timer on your phone and start looking for posts in a hashtag that your followers are following. Let's say you're in the personal finance industry, perhaps your followers and following the hashtag, #budgettips. They're looking for tips on budgeting! Leave a genuine comment on one of the posts about the post. Look at the people who are commenting on that post... visit their profiles and leave a genuine comment on their posts. Do that for 10 minutes.

When you're done, move on to Stories. When you're in your Story feed, swipe all the way to the end and begin interacting with those accounts. Those are the accounts who you're least engaged with! Leave thoughtful comments.

When you're done, the last 10 minutes will be with your followers. They're following you for a reason! Keep the lines of communication open by engaging with their posts! Build a genuine relationship with your followers. If you're starting fresh without any followers, go to an account with a super large following and connect with the people who are leaving comments on those accounts.

That is your engagement strategy! That was a lot to cover and I'm not gonna leave you empty-handed because I want you to download your own game plan! Print it out and keep track of your progress.


Lesson Activity

Here's what you need to do:

  • Watch the video lesson
  • Take the quiz to test your knowledge
  • Download your game plan 

That's it! And remember... nothing works unless YOU do, so let's get to work!

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Your Social Media Game Plan

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